What is this series about?! I want to keep the conversation going and talk about how to find your UNIQUE STYLE after a break up with fast fashion! Because we got this far! Or at least I did, maybe your here just for some tips. So you broke up with fast fashion, what do you do next?!
After my post about breaking up with fast fashion and I had a lot of questions about what to do next and a lot of positive feedback! I love that I get to discuss important things with you and the community that EWAMAY brings. I thought it would be fun to take you through some style advice on how to FIND YOUR UNIQUE STYLE so you can shop your closet first, and shop smart when your in the market for something new.
In this series I will discuss how to define your style so you can become your best self, get ready faster, and stop buying things that just sit in your closet never worn. This in turn will allow you more free time as well as less waste! You can learn what works for you. How will we do this? We will define your style by coming up with your very own word bank and identifying a fashion muse or two. I like to call this my fashion mantra. Having a few words in your style bank will stream line your getting ready process. You will also learn about essential wardrobe items, colors, personal assets, the opposites attract rule and a whole lot more.
There is a LOT to unpack before we even come close to figuring out your style mantra so be prepared to be on a long fashion and self discovery journey!
Who is in?!
Katie May